Sunday, February 14, 2010

What i did for Chinese New Year !!

My stupid Alarm went off at 8.30 , and i was forced to get up. I took my bath and wore my new chinese new year clothes . After styling my hair , i realize that i had put too much gel on my hair , so my hair was Freaking hard !! I then went to my Grandma's house to get my Ang paus !! :) yay !!!!! I wont say the amount :P . Then i went to church , see i so holy :P , after sermon , i went to my father's shop for my family reunion , where all my cousins came !! even the melays !! XD . We all had a blast !! After a tiring afternoon , i went home to try to get some sleep. I slept for like 30minutes and my Aunty just had to wake me up because i had to walk my dog !!! SEE I LOVE MY DOGS!! I WALK THEM ON CHINESE NEW YEAR !! Then i bath and got dressed for family dinner at a restaurant some where at State.. While eating , i receive a call from Julian Gan inviting me to join him , Nigel and Andrew in Island Cafe . I had a Blast at dinner , we had awesome food !! , and i had alot of fun at Island Cafe . While in Island Cafe , Julian used my phone to call Weili , and the convo went on for quite long , then when my father got home , i was still talking to her in the car , with my father . She said it was kinda odd . But for me it was ok i guess .


And of course me and My cousin ( who was wearing an old woman's dress !! )

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